Category: Notes

  • How With The Help Of AI I (Almost) Created God In Three and a Half Weeks and You Can Too

    How With The Help Of AI I (Almost) Created God In Three and a Half Weeks and You Can Too

    Man created God, then God created Man, as the glib saying guaranteed to offend both fundamentalist atheists and dyed in the wool theists, goes. Or perhaps it’s the other way round. In either case, despite the boastful and clickbaity nature of this article’s title’s claim, it is not far from the truth; this was the…

  • It’s Alive

    As Doctor Frankenstein said when the living electricity coursed through his patchwork creature and brought it twitchingly to life.My own creation involved less drama and more frustration, but more on that another time. This note is just to announce that we are now live and approved in both Google Play and The App Store. See…

  • Let there be light?

    What else does one say on the soft launch day of such a device, except, perhaps, welcome. Today the web app version of The God App is open to the world. This is our soft launch, so that hopefully we gain some users, and gain some feedback. Despite the name, The God App is not…